PROFACTOR ein Platz für Querdenker

Innovationen für die Industrie werden von den besten Köpfen gemacht. PROFACTOR setzt auf Querdenker, die ihr Engagement an der Schnittstelle von Industrie und Wissenschaft einbringen. Wir gestalten die Fabrik der Zukunft mit. Bereits während der Ausbildung bieten wir Möglichkeiten zur Mitarbeit. Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten machen uns als Arbeitgeber attraktiv. Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit ist ein Faktor unseres Erfolgs. Fast alle technischen Disziplinen sind in unserem Team vertreten.

So machen Sie bei PROFACTOR Karriere

Vier verschiedene Karrierelaufbahnen stehen Ihnen bei PROFACTOR offen. Ihre Ausbildung und Erfahrung zählen, ihre Stärken bestimmen den Karriereweg: in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunden, in der Forschung oder im Management von Projekten.

Wissenschaftliche Forschung ist der Grundstein für unseren Erfolg. Die Scientists setzten Standards in der Produktionsforschung.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit der Industrie ist unser Geschäft. Als Research Engineer setzen Sie Forschungsergebnisse bei unseren Partnern um. Sie verwerten Entwicklungen zum beiderseitigen Nutzen.

Als Technician unterstützen Sie die Research Engineers und Scientists. Sie stellen sicher, dass unsere Lösungen technisch einwandfrei umgesetzt werden.

PROFACTOR forscht an der Fabrik der Zukunft. Den Geist der Innovation spüren auch unsere MitarbeiterInnen im Management-Bereich vom Sekretariat bis hin zum Controlling.

Testimonials – Das sagen PROFACTORianer über das Unternehmen

Sie gestalten die Fabrik der Zukunft mit. Sie kommen aus fast allen technischen Disziplinen. Sie sind Querdenker an der Schnittstelle von Industrie und Wissenschaft und Vordenker für Entwicklungen, die unseren Kunden zu Gute kommen.

Und das sagen Sie über ihre Arbeit:

  DI Julia Kastner
Karriere: Scientist
Themenschwerpunkt: Funktionelle Oberflächen und Nanostrukturen (Schwerpunkt: Inkjet Printing)
Ausbildung: Chemie, JKU Linz
PROFACTORianer: seit 2011
„PROFACTOR unterstützt mich bei der Entfaltung meiner Fähigkeiten. Von Beginn an wurde ich herzlich aufgenommen und konnte durch gute Zusammenarbeit mit meinen Kollegen viel lernen. Nach dem Abschluss meiner Diplomarbeit bei PROFACTOR habe ich die Möglichkeit bekommen, als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin meine Doktorarbeit zu verfassen, welche ich bald abschließen werde. Ich freue mich auf viele weitere interessante und herausfordernde Projekte.
DI (FH) Gerhard Ebenhofer
Karriere: Research Engineer
Themenschwerpunkt: Verteilte Informationssysteme
Ausbildung: Software Engineering, FH Hagenberg
PROFACTORianer: seit 2006
„Bei PROFACTOR gibt es ein sehr angenehmes Arbeitsklima. Man hat die Möglichkeit, sich mit interessanten Aufgaben auch über einen längeren Zeitraum zu beschäftigen. Dazu kommt die Vielfalt an unterschiedlichen Projekten mit ständig neuen Herausforderungen, auch mit internationalen Projektpartnern.
DI Matthias Plasch
Karriere: Research Engineer
Themenschwerpunkt: Cognitive Roboterassistenzsysteme
Ausbildung: Automatisierungstechnik. TU Wien
PROFACTORianer: seit 2011
„Die Themenvielfalt meiner Arbeit finde ich toll. Es fordert stets ein Einarbeiten in neue Fachgebiete. Die Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Projektpartnern ist sehr lehrreich. Sie fördert nicht nur den fachlichen Wissensaustausch sondern auch soziale Kompetenz und Offenheit.“
  DI Daniela Kirchberger
Karriere: Research Engineer
Themenschwerpunkt: Digitale Bildverarbeitung
Ausbildung: Mechatronik, JKU Linz
PROFACTORianer: seit 2008
  Schon vor meinem Studium erhielt ich die Möglichkeit bei PROFACTOR ein Ferialpraktikum zu absolvieren. Während dieser sehr lehrreichen Zeit konnte ich mein Interesse und meine Neugier für Forschung und Technik voll ausleben.Ich arbeite sehr gerne bei PROFACTOR. Das Arbeiten an neuen Forschungs- und Industriebereichen ermöglicht mir, mich weiterzubilden. Die Herausforderungen in den Projekten gestalten den Arbeitsalltag stets spannend. Die flexible Einteilung der Arbeitszeit ist außerdem sehr familienfreundlich.


Your contact

Dr. Christoph Breitschopf

+43 72 52 885 111

We answer …

… your questions

Experience is the mother of science.
German saying

Would you like to experience something new and forge innovation? Then send us your CV. Do you have ideas for your dissertation? Then let us know. We are looking forward to getting to know you!

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“Location Vienna or Steyr”

We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably online.


Im Stadtgut A2 | 4407 Steyr-Gleink
Tel.: +43 (0)7252 885-0 | Fax: +43 (0)7252 885-101


Your Contact

Dr. Andreas Pichler

+43 72 52 885 306

The best training is still found in doing it yourself.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson

When learning and practicing are also fun, then progress and success are pre-programmed. Are you looking for more knowledge and a place to put theory into practice? Then send us your CV. Do you already have an idea for your thesis? Then let us know. We are looking forward to getting to know you!

Simply apply online
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We would like to point out that applications are only accepted online, by mail or by e-mail to If you have any questions about the job advertisement, our staff will be pleased to help you over the phone.

Polyurethane (PU) is a material with a wide range of applications in the textile industry, but current PU coating processes, mainly developed for large-scale production, do not allow easy customization and individualization and generate much waste. Going digital into the deposition of PU on textiles will allow individualization of designs, more flexibility of production and more sustainable fabrication with no waste thanks to an additive manufacturing approach.

PROFACTOR is working for making the digitalization of PU coating on textile possible.


PROFACTOR is a private, applied research company located in Steyr. We conduct research in the field of industrial assistive systems and additive micro/nano manufacturing. Our team consists of around 70 employees from 15 different academic fields. We work across disciplines to find solutions for the manufacturing industry and set standards in robotics, machine vision, simulation, 3D printing, functional surfaces and nanostructures.

Your tasks

The goals of this master thesis are

  • to develop formulations and processes for the digital deposition of PU elements on textile.
  • to investigate different digital deposition technologies including dispensing, valve-based and piezoelectric inkjet printing.
  • to adapt these deposition technologies for coating of 3D textiles or 3D objects employing robots.

>> find out more

Nanoimprint Lithography is a method to replicate high resolution nanostructures on large area. This is done by pressing a nanostructured stamp into a soft (UV-curable) pre-polymer on a substrate. While the stamp is in contact with the polymer, the material is cured by e.g. UV-irradiation and then the stamp is removed, resulting in a nanostructured hard polymer on the substrate.

UV nanoimprint lithography has the potential to bring forth a cost-efficient fabrication process for advanced nanoelectrode arrays, suitable for (automatized) drug-screening using tissue models grown on a chip. The work of this master thesis will be part of the funded project NEAT (Nano Electrode Arrays for stem-cells derived Tissues), coordinated by Profactor.

PROFACTOR is an applied research center located in Steyr. We conduct research in the field of additive micro/nano manufacturing and industrial assistive systems. Our team consists of around 70 employees from 15 different academic fields. We work across disciplines to find solutions for the manufacturing industry and set standards in robotics, machine vision, simulation, 3D printing, functional surfaces and nanostructures.


Your tasks

The goals of this master thesis are

  • to investigate basic processes for the replication of sub 200 nm high aspect ratio nanoscales features
  • to investigate different biocompatible materials for imprinting and characterize their mechanical properties
  • to investigate the interface issues and compatibility among the different materials to make possible the multi-material process

>> find out more

Master thesis – Team Functional Surfaces and Nanostructures

An increasing demand for alternative processes is present in the PCB manufacturing industry. Considering photolithography as main alternative solution, inkjet printing PCBs will be: innovative, cheaper, simpler, greener, stronger and closer to the market. Compared with photolithography, inkjet printing PCBs has a clear economic advantage with the potential to cut PCB prices of more than 50%. Moreover, PCB manufacturing by inkjet printing will open new possibilities for this well-established market.
Main scope of inkjetPCB project is to develop fully inkjet printed multi-layer Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) including embedded passive components as a commercially viable process. As outcome of this collaborative innovation project, the consortium partners plan to deliver to their customers a Complete Solution for the digital additive manufacturing of PCBs including materials, equipment and process guidelines.

PROFACTOR is an applied research center located in Steyr. We conduct research in the field of industrial assistive systems and additive micro/nano manufacturing. Our team consists of around 70 employees from 15 different academic fields. We work across disciplines to find solutions for the manufacturing industry and set standards in robotics, machine vision, simulation, 3D printing, functional surfaces and nanostructures.

The goals of this thesis are

  • to develop processes, including printing, pre-treatments and post-processing of dielectric, conductive and resistive materials
  • to investigate the interface issues and compatibility among the different materials
  • to further develop the lab equipment and its sotware towards full 3D printing compatibility
  • to design and manufacture PCBs and electronic devices for demonstration


Master thesis – Team Functional Surfaces and Nanostructures

Improving the life quality of Europe’s increasingly elderly population is one of the most pressing challenges our society faces today. The need to treat age-related degenerative changes in e.g. articular joints or dental defects will boost the market opportunities for tissue regeneration products like implants. 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare system by providing highly sophisticated, tissue engineered implants personalized to the patient. State of the art 3D printing technologies can provide biocompatible implants with the right macroscopic shape to fit a patient-specific tissue defect. However, for a real functionality, there is a need for new biomaterials, technologies and processes that additionally allow the fabrication of an inner multi-material microstructure that induces tissue-specific regeneration. Among the different available technologies for tissue engineering applications, 3D multi-material inkjet printing has an immense potential to address the complexity required for implant inner microstructure fabrication. However, the advance of this technology is mainly hindered by the lack of inks that exhibit the required properties to be used in a multi-material process.

PROFACTOR is an applied research center located in Steyr. We conduct research in the field of industrial assistive systems and additive micro/nano manufacturing. Our team consists of around 70 employees from 15 different academic fields. We work across disciplines to find solutions for the manufacturing industry and set standards in robotics, machine vision, simulation, 3D printing, functional surfaces and nanostructures.

The goals of this thesis are

  • to develop new inkjet ink formulations based on biocompatible and biodegradable materials for 3D multi-material inkjet printing
  • to optimize the printing and curing processes of those materials
  • to investigate the interface issues and compatibility among the different materials to make possible the multi-material process
  • to perform 3D multi-material inkjet printing of biocompatibility and biodegradable materials


Master thesis

Nanoimprint Lithography is a method to replicate nanostructures on large area. This is done by pressing a nanostructured stamp into a soft (UV-curable) polymer on a substrate. While the stamp is in contact with the polymer, the material is cured by e.g. UV-irradiation and then the stamp is removed, resulting in a nanostructured hard polymer on the substrate. Such an imprint can later be used as mask for metal deposition and thus define geometry of particles. Afterwards the particles can be removed from the substrate in a lift-off step and used further for biofunctionalization. At PROFACTOR we are developing a CNC-based UV-nanoimprint tool to fabricate these kinds of nanostructures.

PROFACTOR is a private, applied research company located in Steyr. We conduct research in the field of industrial assistive systems and additive micro/nano manufacturing. Our team consists of around 70 employees from 15 different academic fields. We work across disciplines to find solutions for the manufacturing industry and set standards in robotics, machine vision, simulation, 3D printing, functional surfaces and nanostructures.

The goals of this thesis are

  • to investigate basic processes for the replication of nanoscale features for particle fabrication.
  • to investigate different materials, for imprinting and their liftoff suitability
  • to further develop an CNC-based imprint tool for fast and relyable imprinting.


“Location Wien or Steyr”

We are looking forward to your application – preferably online.


Im Stadtgut A2 | 4407 Steyr-Gleink
Tel.: +43 (0)7252 885-0 | Fax: +43 (0)7252 885-101

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Recognizing and promoting staff achievement is a firmly anchored part of our business culture. Irrespective of gender, no matter whether you are technically or commercially minded , we respect the individuality of every member of our staff and support their development. The contribution that each member of our team makes is vital to the development of PROFACTOR.


Simply apply online

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Unsolicited applications are warmly welcome.

“Location Vienna or Steyr”

We look forward to receiving your meaningful application – preferably online



Im Stadtgut D1 | 4407 Steyr-Gleink
Tel.: +43 (0)7252 885-0 | Fax: +43 (0)7252 885-101

We would like to point out that applications are only accepted online or by e-mail to If you have any questions about the job advertisement, our staff will be pleased to help you over the phone.